At KTRADE, we’re all about Improving Retirement and we realize that the industry can be somewhat complex. Here are a number of questions (and answers) you may find helpful.
How can KTRADE help our business?
KTRADE crafts custom, tailored retirement plan solutions to fit your unique business and your employees’ needs. It’s what we do. It’s all we do. This singular goal allows us to stay focused on what matters most – helping you and your employees plan, prepare and execute a sound path to financial retirement security.
How does KTRADE serve the retirement plan industry?
KTRADE is a recordkeeping firm that serves industry through our Alliance Members, a group of local third party administrators, or TPAs, and investment advisors located throughout the United States.
What is KTRADE's stance on fees?
At KTRADE we believe in trust and transparency. We take seriously our promise to fully disclose all our fees. Our recordkeeping fees are among the lowest in the industry. And KTRADE credits all revenue sharing we receive against our fees, further reducing costs to your employees. Our low fees translate into higher net returns and, in turn, higher balances for your employees. Over the lifetime of a retirement plan, that savings can be significant.
What types of retirement plans does KTRADE support?
KTRADE provides a high quality, secure and reliable internet-based trading platform for 401(k), Money Purchase, 403(b) (both ERISA and non-ERISA), 457, Defined Benefit (including Cash Balance Plans), MEPs, non-qualified and other retirement plans.
Will my data be safe?
We use SunGard Systems’ industry-leading software that is SAS 70 compliant. The KTRADE website is secured by VeriSign software. Rest assured that your online activity is always protected and out of sight from prying eyes. KTRADE data servers and critical systems are housed in secure, environmentally controlled sites. All systems and data are dually stored and backed up daily. We take no chances with your data and can recover from an unforeseen event with little or no inconvenience to you or your employees.
With which Custodians do you partner?
Our strategic partners include the following industry leading Custodians: Charles Schwab Trust Company, Fidelity Investments, Mid Atlantic Trust Company, and Matrix Financial Solutions. By leveraging our partners, we can be flexible in providing a variety of options for custodial and trustee services.